
Magento: Add Terms and Conditions Checkbox during Checkout

Terms and ConditionsRequiring customers to accept an eCommerce site’s terms and conditions before placing an order is becoming a common practice.  From the perspective of a store owner, this is often the most effective way to get customers to acknowledge their site’s shipping, return, and other policies.  Also, merchant gateway providers frequently require such acknowledgement as well.  Fortunately for Magento users, this option is built into Magento’s core functionality and can be enabled through the admin panel with no custom coding required.

To enable the terms and conditions check box at checkout, follow the below steps:

1. In the admin panel, go to System > Configuration > Sales > Checkout > Checkout Options and set Enable Terms and Conditions to Yes.  Then Save Config.

2. Now (from the top menu), go to Sales > Terms and Conditions.

3. Click Add New Condition and fill in the required fields.

Condition Name is only shown to the admin and can be whatever you’d like.

Status should be Enabled.

Show content as sets whether html can be displayed in the terms and conditions content box.  Set this to yes if you want to style the content or add links.

Checkbox text is shown next to the check-box, for example “I agree to the terms and conditions of this website.”

Content is the content that will be shown under the checkbox.  You can place the entire text of your terms and conditions here or include a link to it.

4. Click Save Condition and you are all set.  Remember to test your checkout to see how everything looks and make sure it is working correctly.

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